Conference Topics
We are soliciting contributed technical papers, special session proposals, and tutorial proposals referring to the following topics of interest, but not limited to these fields and contents:
Materials Engineering
Composite Materials
Corrosion Resistance
Additive Manufacturing
Polymer Degradation
Metal Fatigue
Smart Materials
Surface Treatments
Thermal Properties of Materials
Mechanical Engineering
Thermodynamic Cycles
Fluid Dynamics
Dynamics of Machinery
Mechanical Vibrations
Heat Exchangers
Renewable Energy Systems
CAD/CAM Technologies
Gear Design and Analysis
Robotics and Automation
Materials for Mechanical Applications
Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
Geotechnical Analysis
Transportation Planning
Water Resource Management
Environmental Impact Assessment
Construction Techniques
Urban Infrastructure Development
Pavement Engineering
Seismic Design
Sustainable Construction Practices
Please submit your full papers or abstracts via: Online Submission System before July 30, 2025. Click for detailed guideline for submission.
Double-Blind Review
All submissions must be anonymized and may not contain any information with the intention or consequence of violating the double-blind reviewing policy, including (but not limited to) citing previous works of the authors or sharing links in a way that can infer any author’s identity or institution, actions that reveal the identities of the authors to potential reviewers.
Authors are allowed to post versions of their work on preprint servers such as arXiv. They are also allowed to give talks to restricted audiences on the work(s) submitted to MMCET 2025 during the review. If you have posted or plan to post a non-anonymized version of your paper online before the ASAP decisions are made, the submitted version must not refer to the non-anonymized version.
Reviewing Criteria
Accepted papers must be based on original research and must contain novel results of significant interest. Results can be either theoretical or empirical. Results will be judged on the degree to which they have been objectively established and/or their potential for scientific and technological impact. Reproducibility of results and easy availability of code will be taken into account in the decision-making process whenever appropriate.